Friday, July 31, 2015

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Display more than one extension files in listview

I just got email today from one of the visitors that is it possible to display more than one extension in a listview and i replied basically yes...

Okay here we go....

(if you dont yet look this activity please look unto it and that is recommended)

Okay, see i put this code in

  * Class to filter files which are having .mp3 extension
  * */
 //you can choose the filter for me i put .mp3
 class FileExtensionFilter implements FilenameFilter {
  public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
   return (name.endsWith(".mp3" ) || name.endsWith(".MP3" )) ;
then the technique is you will add another code or syntax into
the code, like this:
  * Class to filter files which are having .mp3 extension
  * */
 //you can choose the filter for me i put .mp3
 class FileExtensionFilter implements FilenameFilter {
  public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
   return (name.endsWith(".mp3" ) || name.endsWith(".apk" )) || name.endsWith(".3gp" ) ;
Now don't forget about the path we did in previous activity:
public class SongsManager {
 // SDCard Path
 //choose your path for me i choose sdcard
 final String MEDIA_PATH = new String("/sdcard/");
 private ArrayList> songsList = new ArrayList>();
 // Constructor
 public SongsManager(){

you see now if you run it on your real device you can see more than one extensions appearing in listview..
Hope i help you out your problem..


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Listing All Audio In Sdcard Using Listview